A Young Doctor’s Notebook Tops DVD Releases For July 1


John Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe star in the true story adaptation of Russian Doctor Mikhail Bulgahov journals and his increasing addiction to morphine in, A Young Doctor’s Notebook.

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A Young Doctor’s Notebook. DVD. IMDB Pro-rating 8.0. British dark comedy TV series starring John Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe, both playing the part of Russian Doctor Mikhail Bulgakov, from his journals recorded in the early 1900’s, as he becomes more heavily addicted to morphine.


The Unknown Known. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB Prp-rating 7.0. Documentary by famed director… on Donald Rumsfeld and his verbal ability to disguise the truth and say nothing incriminating.


Afflicted. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB Pro-rating 6.5. A terrifying horror thriller about two friends who travel abroad, and one contracts a deadly flesh eating affliction. Cliff Prowse, Derek Lee and Michael Gill star.


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