Kingsman: The Golden Circle –Wonderful Fun at the Movies!! (Review)

Matthew Vaughn, the director of the previous installment of Kingsman and the current one, clearly doesn’t give fuck all about who he may irritate or offend in his films. So, in a time of increased political correctness with every move we make and every breath we take, I find his style of filmmaking akin to laughing gas– You merely need to sit back and enjoy the ride.

On that note, what’s to like about ‘Kingsman: The Golden Circle‘?? Everyone involved here from the main regulars of Taron Egerton, Colin Firth, Mark Strong, Halle Berry, Channing Tatum, Julianne Moore, and Elton John are clearly having the time of their lives in this flick. Much like its predecessor, the aura is like 60s James Bond meets Austin Powers, giving you the most fun you’ll ever have with a spy centric film. Add to it, the set pieces are also mightily impressive from the various locales shown in England, Italy, Kentucky and the lead villain’s (Poppy) quasi Disney like jungle hideaway. The soundtrack certainly rocks, with a great kickstarter tune from the late Prince, as you’re treated to a car chase sequence I found to being far more exciting and visually stunning than the previous James Bond film had, and overall, by the time you get to the film’s final act, you really should be smiling ear to ear by that point given the incredibly over the top action sequences Vaughn put together for this sequel.

My only main critique of this entry is the use of CGI is quite extensive, however, because of the sheer magnitude of the bat-$hit crazy moments you’re seeing on screen, the CGI actually for once fits the mise en scene hand in hand. Is it perfect? No. But it’s sure as hell the most fun you’ll have at the movies so far this year!! Nuff said.

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