‘The Martian’, ‘Irrational Man’, ‘Hotel Transylvania 2’ Release On DVD, January 12


Matt Damon is a stranded astronaut, Joaquin Phoenix is an unhappy teacher, and Adam Sandler and Mel Brooks run rampant in the animated Hotel Transylvania.

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The Martian. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDb Pro-rating 8.1. In the race for Oscar, Matt Damon stars as a botanist astronaut, left behind on Mars by his crew who presume he is dead. He does his best to survive while NASA and his crew mates devise a plan to bring him home alive.


Irrational Man. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDb Pro-rating 6.7. Written and directed by Woody Allen, this existential philosophy drama stems from contemplating doing terrible things. Joaquin Phoenix is a dissatisfied college professor who takes a job at a new school where he falls for two women. Parkey Posey wants him to save her from her unhappy marriage, and Emma Stone is a student who wants to be friends, but is attracted to his brooding nature.


Hotel Transylvania 2. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDb Pro-rating 6.8. Adam Sandler stars as Dracula and owner of the vampire hotel. Things are going well since it opened up to mortal humans, including Dracula’s half human son. But he feels the boy might be neglecting his vampire roots and brings in Grandpa (Mel Brooks) for some serious training.

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