‘XXX Xander Cag, ‘Resident Evil’, and ‘A Space Between Us’, On DVD May 16.

Vin Diesel stars in ‘XXX The Return of Xander Cage’, on DVD and Blue-Ray May 16.

The International Movie Data Base (IMDB) is the industry standard for critical and customer satisfaction.

XXX The Return of Xander Cage. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB pro-rating 5.3 with a 43% satisfaction on Rotten Tomatoes. Semi-retired, Xander Cage must return to save the Universe when the most powerful weapon ever-created, called Pandora’s Box, threatens all of mankind.

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB pro-rating 5.6 with a 33% satisfaction on Rotten Tomatoes. Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson and starring Milla Janovich and ever Anderson. The popular franchise took in over 300 million worldwide, despite luke-warm reviews. The world has been overcome by zombies and killers and somebody has to stop them.

A Space Between Us. DVD. Blue – Ray. IMDB pro-rating 6.4 with a 17% approval rating. Directed by Peter Chelsom and written by Allen Loeb from a story by Stewart Schill. The first person ever born on Mars, returns to Earth and falls in love, but he is unable to withstand the change in atmosphere and goes on the run with his girlfriend to discover who he really is. Gary Oldman, Asa Butterfield, Carla Cugino and Britt Robertson star.

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