‘The Fault In Our Stars’ Tops DVD Releases For September 16


From the New York Times best selling novel by John Green, ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ is out now on DVD.

The International Movie Data Base (IMDB) is the industry standard for critical and customer satisfaction.


The Fault In Our Stars. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB Pro-rating 8.2. Immensely popular, based on the John Green book of the same name this tragically happy love story stars Shailene Woodley, a young girl diagnosed with cancer who finds love and happiness despite her diagnosis. Ansel Elgort is the  charming white knight.


Godzilla. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB Pro-rating 6.8. The retelling of the 1955 Japanese classic where an American scientist (Bryan Cranson), working in Japan, notices strange seismographic stirrings in the ocean nearby. A giant awakes to terrorize the country. Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen also star.


Think Like A Man Too. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB Pro-rating 5.6. The cast is back in Vegas for a party ans chaos erupts as expected. Kevin Hart, Gabrielle Union, Terence Jenkins, LaLa Anthony are just some of the party goers.

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