‘A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood’, ‘Frozen 2’ Open Today.

Tom Hanks plays Fred Rogers with a 97% approval score from Rotten Tomatoes.

The International Movie Database(IMDb) is the industry standard for critical and customer satisfaction.

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood. Drama. IMDb pro-rating 6.9 with a 97% score from Rotten Tomatoes.  A journalist’s life is enriched by friendship when he takes on an assignment profiling Fred Rogers. Based on the real-life friendship between journalist Tom Junod and television star Fred Rogers. Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys, Chris Cooper, Susan Kelechin Watson and Wendy Makkena, star.

Frozen 2. Fantasy. Imdb pro-rating 6.4 with an 82% score from Rotten Tomatoes. Elsa the Snow Queen and her sister Anna embark on an adventure far away from the kingdom of Arendelle. They are joined by friends, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven. Idina Mensel, Kristen Bell, Evan Rachel Wood, Josh Gad, star.

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