Bradley Cooper, In ‘American Sniper’, TOPS DVD Releases For May 19

Clint Eastwood directs Bradley Cooper in the true story of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, from his New York Times best-selling autobiography, American Sniper.

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American Sniper. DVD. Blue-Ray, IMDB Pro-rating 7.4. This Academy Award nominated film, that also gave a nomination for Best Actor to Bradley Cooper, was one of the biggest box office films of 2014. Bradley Cooper stars in the true story of Chris Kyle, the top sniper in the Navy SEALS who served four terms in Iraq. But when he returns to his wife (Sienna Miller), he finds he can not leave the war behind him.


Strange Magic. DVD. , IMDB Pro-rating 5.5. Alan Cumming is the voice-acting star in this George Lucas production about a Prince of the Dark Forest who insists on outlawing love and demands all primroses, used to make love potions, be destroyed. All that changes when a feisty Princess, played by Evan Rachel Wood, comes to the forest, and the Prince develops strong feelings for her.


Hot Tub Time Machine 2. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB Pro-rating 5.2. Lou, played by Rob Corddry, is still unreliable as a role model, but when he is shot the boys take the time machine into the future to back things up and stop it from happening. Craig Robinson, John Cusack and Clark Duke star.

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