‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ Tops DVD Releases For September 9


Marvel Universe Superhero Captain America: The Winter Soldier is out on DVD September 9.

The International Movie Data Base (IMDB) is the industry standard for critical and customer satisfaction.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB Pro-rating 8.1 A box office success as you can see by the 8.1 score. Fans and critics alike supported Captain America, played by Chris Evans, who is living peacefully in Washington D.C. until he’s called back to duty to combat, along with the Black Widow (Scarlet Johannson), a mysterious enemy The Winter Soldier. Samuel Jackson is the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. Sebastian Stan, Frank Grillo, Robert Redford also star.


God’s Pocket. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB Pro-rating 6.2. A gritty and dark drama from Pete Dexter’s novel of the same name. Philip Seymour Hoffman tries to cover up the death of his low-life stepson at a steel plant in Pennsylvania, but runs into problems when a newspaper reporter starts stirring up controversy and his wife starts asking questions. Christina Hendricks of Mad Men and John Turturro also star.


Brick Mansions. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB Pro-rating 5.7. Paul Walker stars in one of his last screen performances playing a Detroit undercover cop who has to infiltrate an abandoned area of Detroit inhabited by hardened criminals who have the power and the weapons to destroy more than just themselves, with David Belle and RZA


Palo Alto. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB Pro-rating 6.5. Emma Roberts stars in this adaptation of stories written by James Franco and introduces Gia Cappola in her first directing feature film.


Words and Pictures. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB Pro-rating 6.6. Clive Owen and Juliette Binoche star in this romance about two semi has been artists who meet teaching school. One was a published author, the other a fairly successful painter. Togehter they take on the challenge they give to their students – what is more powerful – words or pictures and fall in love in the process.


Fed Up. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB Pro-rating 7.3. Katie Couric produced this well-received documentary about how the government hasn’t been forthcoming about what it has allowed the FDA to feed its population. Sugar is the antagonist here, being added to all processed foods in unmonitored amounts and causing our children and ourselves to become obese.


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