‘Colette’, ‘The Equalizer 2’ on DVD and Blue-Ray December 11.

Keira Knightley portrays the enchanting French writer, ‘Colette’.

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Colette. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDb Pro-rating 6.8 with an 87% score from Rotten Tomatoes. Based on the biography of the famous writer. Directed by Wash Westmoreland. After moving to Paris, author Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette agrees to ghostwrite a semi-autobiographical novel for her husband. Its success soon inspires her to fight for creative ownership and overcome the societal constraints of the early 20th century. Keira Knightley.

Equalizer 2. DVD. Blue-Ray. Directed by Antoine Faqua. IMDB pro-rating 6.8 with a51% score from Rotten Tomatoes. If you have a problem and there is nowhere else to turn, the mysterious and elusive Robert McCall will deliver the vigilante justice you seek. This time, however, McCall’s past cuts especially close to home when thugs kill Susan Plummer — his best friend and former colleague. Now out for revenge, McCall must take on a crew of highly trained assassins who’ll stop at nothing to destroy him. Denzel Washington, Pefro Pascal, Alex Siskind.


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