‘First Man’, ‘The Hate U Give’, ‘Johnny English Strikes Again’ On DVD and Blue-Ray January 22.

Ryan Gosling stars in the true story of Neil Armstrong,  ‘First Man’ on the moon.

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First Man. DVD. Blue -Ray. IMDb pro-rating 7.8 with an 88% satisfaction score from Rotten Tomatoes. Directed by Damien Chazelle. Engineer Neil Armstrong spends years in training after joining NASA in the 1960s. On July 16, 1969, the nation and world watch in wonder as Armstrong and fellow astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins embark on a historic mission to the moon. Ryan Gosling.

The Hate U Give. DVD. Directed by George Tillman Jr..Blue-Ray Starr Carter is a 16-year-old American black girl who lives in the fictional, black neighborhood of Garden Heights, but attends an academic white school, Williamson Prep. After a gun goes off at a party Starr is attending one weekend with her cousin, Starr is driven home by her childhood best friend, Khalil. While driving home, they are stopped by a white police officer. The white officer, tells Khalil, who is black, to exit the car; while outside the car, Khalil reaches inside his car via the open driver-side window to check in on Starr,who Starr is telling to go back,he-Khalil picks up a brush. The white officer, misthinking fires three shots into Khalil, killing him. Starr in shock in the passager seat run out the car to Khalil who was bleeding the officer now tells Starr to sit then asks “Where is the gun” the officer looks to the right to see it was a brush.  Starring Regina Hall, Star Carter, Anthony Mackie.

Johnny English Strikes Again. DVD. Blue-Ray IMDb pro-rating 6.3. Johnny English springs back into action when a hacker reveals the identities of undercover agents in Britain. As a man with few skills and analogue methods, Johnny must overcome the challenges of modern technology to make this mission a success.  Rowan Atkinson, Emma Thompson, Olga Kurylenko star

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