Larry The Cable Guy Hang W/

Today, Larry the Cable Guy demonstrated the “Git-R-Done” attitude by taking on the hugely popular Ice Bucket Challange for ALS. The star participated in the viral #icebucketchallenge campaign which involves getting doused with buckets of ice water on video, posting that video to social media, then nominating others to do the same, all in an effort to raise ALS awareness. Larry joined the fight by sharing via live broadcast from his personal Hang w/ account and nominated Kevin Nieman, Charles Barkley, and REO Speedwagon to take part in the challenge.

The Hang w/ app connects people through live-streaming video and simultaneous chat, allowing anyone with an iPhone, iPad or Android device to broadcast live to dozens, hundreds or even millions of viewers around the globe. Users’ real-time broadcasts can be shared with thousands of followers at once. For celebrities, Hang w/ has been proven as a powerful social media engagement tool to connect directly with fans, and has attracted more than 100 actors, athletes, musicians and entertainers including 50 Cent, Ali Landry, Claudia Jordan, Jamie Kennedy, Kaskade, Lucy Hale, Terrell Owens and Timbaland. Learn more at http://www.hangwith.com.

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