Holy Nostalgia, Batman!

Special Correspondent: James Jewett

Today, June 7 2012, Warner Brother’s Consumer Products launched a merchandising campaign for the 1960’s television spot, Batman. Let the purchasing begin as the classic gadgets, such as the bat-phone, will be available for purchase.

Nostalgia is the name of the game as Brad Globe, the president of Warner Bros. Consumer Products (WBCP), told Deadline Hollywood,

“The Batman Classic TV Series celebrates an incarnation of Batman that for many fans was their first introduction to ‘The Caped Crusader’ and his many friends and foes. This new licensing program captures the playful and stylish spirit of the iconic Batman while bringing a fresh look that will appeal to the Batman enthusiasts and nostalgic fan base, as well as to a new generation of fans.”

Although fans can now throw up a Bat-Signal in their neighborhood it still has them complaining. The question circulating conversation and online forums is, When will they be able to watch the 1960’s batman series on DVD? Nothing has surfaced yet but this could be a giant step towards getting that done.

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