Joe Cornish to direct Star Trek 3?

Joe-Cornish Joe Cornish isn’t exactly a household name in Hollywood, yet, but according to numerous reports surfacing today, he’s in preliminary talks to take over for JJ Abrams as the director of the untitled Star Trek 3.

His most recent stint in the director’s chair was with 2011’s Attack The Block, that garnered a lot of positive word of mouth. However, his biggest and most well known hit was 2007’s Hot Fuzz, starring Star Trek Alumni Simon Pegg. Overall, this would be a very interesting choice for Paramount, and given Cornish’s attention to detail with deeper story structure with his last film, that may be just what Trekkies will be looking for in the follow up to Star Trek Into Darkness. It has become well known some fans felt it had too much of a faster pace. Either way it’s a very promising development that Paramount Pictures is already looking to lock-in on a director to take over their tentpole franchise moving forward.

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