‘Luce’ and ‘Them That Follow’ On DVD and Blue-Ray Today

Thrills and chills, Drama and Mystery!

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Luce. Drama. IMDb pro-rating 7.0 with a 92% score from Rotten Tomatoes. A liberal-minded couple, Amy and Peter Edgar, are forced to reconsider their image of their adopted son after they discover he has written an extremely disturbing essay for his class at school. Naomi Watts, Octavia Spencer, Tim Roth star.

Them That Follow. Thriller. IMDb pro-rating 5.3 with a 70% score from Rotten Tomatoes. Inside a snake-handling church deep in Appalachia, a forbidden relationship forces a pastor’s daughter to confront her community’s deadly tradition. Gerard Butler, Walter Goggins, Thomas Mann, Kaitlyn Dever star.

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