‘Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always’ and ‘The Hunt’ on DVD Today.

Seeking to end an unwanted pregnancy two teenage girls travel to New York in search of help.

The International Movie Database (IMDb) is the industry standard for critical and customer satisfaction.

Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always. Drama. IMDb pro-rating 7.2 with a 99% satisfaction score from Rotten Tomaotes. Faced with an unintended pregnancy and a lack of local support, Autumn and her cousin, Skylar, travel across state lines to New York City on a fraught journey of friendship, bravery and compassion. Ryan Eggold, Talia Ryder, Theodore Pellin, Sharon Van Etten and Sidney Flanigan star.

The Hunt. Horror. IMDb pro-rating 5.2 with a 58% satisfaction from Rotten Tomatoes. Twelve strangers wake up on a remote piece of land.  They have no recollection of how or why they got there until they learn they are part of The Hunt. Justin Hartley, Emma Roberts, Betty Gilpin star.

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