‘On the Basis of Sex’, ‘The Replicas’, ‘The Upside’ Open January 11.

Supreme Court Judge, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the subject of the true story ‘On the Basis of Sex’.

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On the Basis of Sex. True Story. IMDb pro-rating 5.7 with a 71% score from Rotten Tomatoes. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a struggling attorney and new mother who faces adversity and numerous obstacles in her fight for equal rights. When Ruth takes on a groundbreaking tax case with her husband, attorney Martin Ginsburg, she knows it could change the direction of her career and the way the courts view gender discrimination. Felicity Jones, Armie Hammer, Justin Theroux, star.

Replicas. Sci-Fi Thriller. A brilliant neuroscientist who is working on re-creating the human brain for Alzheimer’s research uses his work to replicate his family members after they’re killed in a car accident. Keanu Reeves. Alice Eve and Thomas Middleditch, star.

The Upside. Drama Remake. Phillip is a wealthy quadriplegic who needs a caretaker to help him with his day-to-day routine in his New York penthouse. He decides to hire Dell, a struggling parolee who’s trying to reconnect with his ex and his young son. Despite coming from two different worlds, an unlikely friendship starts to blossom as fun-loving Dell shows curmudgeonly Phillip that life is worth living. Bryan Cranston, Kevin Hart and Nicole Kidman, star.

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