‘Pain and Glory’ on DVD Today.

Antonio Banderas stars in Pedro Almodovar’s ‘Pain and Glory’.

The International Movie Database (IBDb) is the industry standard for critical and customer satisfaction.

Pain and Glory. Drama. IMDb pro-rating 7.7 with a 97% satisfaction score from Rotten Tomatoes. The latest from beloved filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar is a career highlight as he pulls from his own life to tell the story of Salvador Mallo (Antonio Banderas), a film director struggling physically and looking back on his life—his childhood, his first love, his first heartbreak, and his discovery of cinema. Banderas won best actor honors at the Cannes Film Festival and has been picking up additional honors over the past month, while Spain has selected the well-reviewed film to compete for a nomination in the newly renamed Best International Feature Film category at the Oscars. Penelope Cruz stars with Antonio Banderas.

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