Star Wars 8 Gets a date (and the spin-off too!)


Disney executive, Bob Iger, announced at a shareholders meeting earlier today the release dates for Star Wars Episode 8, along with the spin-off film, Rogue One.

Episode 8, to be directed and written by Rian Johnson, will be released on May 26th, 2017, and the spinoff, to be directed by Gareth Edwards, will be released sooner than one would expect in December, 2016.

Now, I’m a die-hard Trekkie at heart, so seeing how well thought out and planned the Star Wars franchise has been so far under Disney makes me grit my teeth at Paramount Pictures for doing such an incredibly piss poor job maximizing the potential of their tent-pole property, Star Trek.


That being said, let the speculation begin as to what the Star Wars spin-off film ,Rogue One, will be about. I heard months ago it could potentially deal with a group of Rogue smugglers who attempt to capture the Death Star from the Empire back in between Episodes 3 and 4. Now that would be cool….

Nonetheless, before we all forget, Episode 7: The Force Awakens, will be released on Dec. 15th of this year.

Stay tuned for more Star Wars news as they come in over the coming months. Nuff said.

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