‘The Trip To Greece’ on DVD and Blue-Ray, Today.

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The Trip to Greece. Comedy/Drama. IMDb pro-rating 6.6 with an 87% satisfaction score on Rotten Tomatoes. It took Odysseus ten years to get back to his home in Ithaca – now, Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon are going to follow in his mythical footsteps in a six-day journey through Greece. Apollo at Delphi, Athens ancient Agora, the island of Hydra, Niokastro Fortress and more – while they argue about comedy, tragedy, history, and anything else that comes to mind. Now that’s the way to end The Trip.  Director: Michael Winterbottom. Actors: Rob Brydon, Steve Coogan, Rebecca Johnson, Claire Keelan, Cordelia Bugeja, Tim Leach.

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