Victoria Beckham’s ‘Outrageous’ Olympic Diva Demands

Victoria Beckham has always been known as the diva spice. Hollyscoop is reporting that the Spice Girl has outrageous demands.

The Spice girls are rumored to be performing at the Closing Ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. Nothing has been confirmed as of yet but Victoria tweeted out a photo of a glittery microphone.

A source close to Victoria has told Hollyscoop that Posh Spice has incredible diva demands!

“Victoria Beckham has outrageous demands,” says the source, “Lets just say that they are paying at least $15,000 for Victoria Beckham’s hair, make-up and stylist. In comparison, the other Spice Girls cost one-fourth of what Victoria is costing.”

$15,000 is that gold hair?

I wonder what the other girls think about this?

To read more about the story head over to Hollyscoop!

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