Better Call Saul (Review)


My gut feeling after watching Better Call Saul’s pilot episode:  This will be a perfect companion piece to its predecessor, Breaking Bad.

The main character of Better Call Saul, Saul Goodman, also known as Jimmy McGill, is the driving force behind this spin-off series to the great Breaking Bad. Bob Odenkirk, who once again portrays Saul, was nothing short of brilliant when he was in the former series, and from what I can see, just two episodes into the new series, he’s bringing his A-game.

Now, I should warn a lot of you. Don’t expect a bunch of fireworks, and non-stop action scenes with the new show, at least initially. There would points in part one of the pilot episode where it tested my own level of patience for slow burning scenes, but, it’s not for superficial reasons. There’s character building going on here, not to mention this series is set 6 years before the events in Breaking Bad— So plenty needs to be established before things kick into full-gear. And by the time part two starts, on top of seeing a familiar face (Good ole Tuco), you’ll start feeling the familiar vibe that was a key ingredient as to why Breaking Bad had the success and following it did over 5 seasons.


Nevertheless, I’m going to predict this series will never top Breaking Bad, however, as I said before, it will make one hell of a companion piece to the former series, and certainly will not tarnish its legacy in any way. It will simply build on it with allowing the audience to see how Saul became the Saul we know and love from the Breaking Bad era. That, plus the fact there’s almost limitless opportunities to pepper in other characters from Breaking Bad lore, and see what they were up to over half a decade before the likes of Walter White and Jessie Pinkman became Albuquerque’s meth lords.

Bottom line, this spin-off series deserves a chance to become its own level of greatness (or maybe just goodness), so it goes without saying that tuning in for the first full season is indeed must see TV…. Nuff said.

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