‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ and ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ Open Friday February 13

The long awaited soft-porn ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ is getting good reviews despite the overall thumbs down for EL James’ best selling novel of the same name. Rotten Tomatoes is giving it 100% customer satisfaction.


Fifty Shades of Grey. Dakota Johnson, daughter of Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson (and Granddaughter of Tippi Hedren of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds) stars as Ana, a Washington State graduate student in writing who does an interview with a wealthy and seductive business man, the sado-masochist Mr. Grey, in Fifty Shades of Grey. An erotic coming of age story of a young girl who starts out as the submissive, but ends up wearing the pants. Jamie Dornan is Mr. Grey, with Jennifer Ehle and Luke Grimes.


Kingsman: The Secret Service. Colin Firth stars as a member of the British Secret Service who recognizes the potential talent in a young street kid, whose dead father had also worked for the Service and takes him under his wing to be trained as a spy and an assassin. Samuel Jackson is the bad guy they’re after.Michael Caine, Sofia Bantella and Taron Egerton also star.


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