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KATE HUDSON on cover of October Marie Claire

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images by TESH.
In the October issue of Marie Claire, they take a deep dive into the endless appeal of the Deepwater Horizon star, Kate Hudson. See below for quotes for the interview.
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images all by TESH
On the end of relationships: “I think forgiveness is the biggest part of it…I think everybody wants to point fingers. If you are a person who takes responsibility for yourself and your part in it, you have a much better chance of maintaining a nice relationship. It also means that you grow up. A lot of people don’t want to grow up because it sucks.”
On being a working single mother: “I don’t try to sugarcoat things. I’ll say, ‘I’m doing the best I can.’ I like cooking, I like presenting. I like it to be an experience and [my kids] help me with it, but if they want something after that, I’ll be like, ‘Look, I’m placing a meal out for you like a king. I can’t do everything. I’m going to have to be the OK mom.’”
On Hillary Clinton and the upcoming election: “There’s so much focus on her likability. I want to elect a president to get the job done. When she took the stage, I got incredibly emotional. As a woman, and as a working mom trying to get things done, you find yourself meting adversity a lot, but you never talk about it because you don’t want to bring attention to it. You don’t want to go there.”

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