WELCOME TO CHINATOWN, a grassroots initiative to support Chinatown businesses following the rapid decline in business as a result of COVID-19. Help us save one of NYC’s most vibrant neighborhoods and honor the legacy of Chinatown.

Join the director, cast and crew of LUCKY GRANDMA for a LIVE virtual red carpet event on Friday, May 22! At 5:30 PM (EST), it kicks off with music, cocktails inspired by the movie, and light conversation. At 6:00 PM (EST), the cast and crew will “walk” the virtual red carpet and share stories about the making of LUCKY GRANDMA. Director, Sasie Sealy will close out the event with a special presentation. Watch on YouTube.
LUCKY GRANDMA. Dark Comedy. IMDb pro-rating 7.0 with a 94% satisfaction score from Rotten Tomatoes. A Chinese Grandma starts to gamble and ends up on the wrong side of the Mob. Tsai Chin, Clem Cheung, Michael Tow, Lyman Chen, Ha Hsiao-Yuan. In the heart of Chinatown, New York,?an?ornery, chain-smoking, newly widowed 80-year-old Grandma is eager to live life as an independent woman, despite the worry of her family. When a local fortune teller predicts a most auspicious day in her future, Grandma decides to head to the casino and goes all in, only to land herself on the wrong side of luck… suddenly?attracting the attention of some?local?gangsters. Desperate to protect herself, Grandma employs the services of a bodyguard from a rival gang and soon finds herself right in the middle of a Chinatown gang war.

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