‘Sicario: Day of the Soldado’, ‘Three Identical Strangers’, ‘Leave No Trace’ On DVD Oct. 2

Josh Brolin and Benecio Del Toro return in the sequel,  ‘Sicario: Day of Soldado’.

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Sicario: Day Of  The Soldado. DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDb pro-rating 7.3. Rotten Tomatoes score 63% satisfaction.  Directed by Stefano Sollima from a script by Taylor Shenden. The drug war on the U.S.-Mexico border has escalated as the cartels have begun trafficking terrorists across the US border. To fight the war, federal agent Matt Graver re-teams with the mercurial Alejandro. Josh Brolin and Benecio Del Toro, star.

Three Identical Strangers. DVD. Blue-Ray. Documentary. Three identical triplets are separated at birthe and adopted by different families. When they are reunited they become celebrities with a fairy tale life, until they find out the reason for their separation. Tim Wordle directs. Robert Shafran, Edward Gallard and David Kellum play themselves.

Leave No Trace.
DVD. Blue-Ray. IMDB pro-rating 7.8 with a 100% score from Rotten Tomatoes. A traumatized war veteran lives happily in the Oregon woods with his daughter, but a simple mistake changes their lives when they are discovered and forced into Social Services. Ben Foster an Thomasin Harcourt McKenzie star. Directed by Debra Granik, adapted from the book ‘My Abandonment’, by Peter Rock.

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