Some insane rumors for Alien:Covenant


For those of you who don’t want one (or more) aspects of Ridley Scott’s forthcoming ALIEN film ‘Alien: Covenant‘ ruined, please, cease reading!!

For those who don’t care about spoilers galore, and can’t wait to get their eyes on every leaked nugget, then join me, and together we can RULE the…. Kidding. But in all seriousness, the following is an excerpt of a leak that occurred yesterday and noted by

“Sources close to film and actress tell us the [Katherine Waterston] will be playing Ellen Ripley’s mother in Alien: Covenant, which is an amazing twist and true to Ridley Scott’s promise that the post-Prometheus prequels will eventually lead right up to the first Alien movie. It should be noted however that Waterston isn’t the lead of the movie, and it’s an ensemble piece like Prometheus.”

Ah, just lovely–so the iconic character of Ellen Ripley, played to perfection by the great Sigourney Weaver, apparently will have her mother’s character featured in this upcoming ALIEN flick, set somewhere between 20-30 years prior to the events in the original ‘ALIEN’ (1979). That’s a pretty ballsy and bold thing to do as far as Sir Ridley Scott is concerned considering the kind of uproar some of the die-hard fans of the series will spew over this news. And from what I’ve been able to see thus far, the internet is currently replete with complaints over this development.

Now, if we take a look at the somewhat recently released photo from the set of ‘Alien: Covenant’, perhaps it makes even more sense now that Waterson, pictured here, looks very similar to how Ellen Ripley looked in ‘ALIENS’ (1986):


For true comparison, take a look at this photo of Weaver in ALIENS:


Can this really work? Can it ultimately avoid pissing off the fanboys, and fan-girls? I certainly think it can, however, the rest of the story has to fit like a glove within the confines of the ALIEN universe we’ve all come to know. It can’t just be some cheesy reveal at the end, or basically one line in the same vein Robin was revealed in ‘The Dark Knight Rises’. If they’re really going to do this then it should be revealed pretty early on into the film that the character played by Waterson is not only Mama Ripley, but ideally by the conclusion, her actions help to truly inject something crucial, original and epic going forward for how it connects to the original films of the franchise. Otherwise, forget it, it will get lambasted, and ridiculed for being strictly a “cute” and overly contrived plot device.


Lastly, a couple additional rumors I’ve stumbled upon (with not necessarily great sources, I’ll admit it) is that not only will the “Bishop” android be making an appearance by the end of this film, but also expect the “Tyrell Corporation”– from the ‘Bladerunner’ universe–to have a strong presence in the story. Neither would surprise me as I’ve heard rumblings for years that Scott considers the ALIEN/Bladerunner universes to be a shared one. As far as Bishop showing up, or a form of him, perhaps this proves another rumor is true that Waterson’s character is adept at working on androids.

Nonetheless, time will tell, but for now, these are indeed some pretty bat-$hit crazy rumors circling the wagons of ‘Alien: Covenant’. Stay tuned for more updates as we get them! Nuff said.

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